The Next Chapter

Weekly Tips for Writing & Publishing Your Bestselling Book

THIS Is the Perfect Pairing For Your Book

Aug 04, 2024

So you want to author a book for all the reasons: To dig deep into your psyche and heal old wounds, to share your story in order to help guide others on their path, to leave a legacy, to build your brand and make more money.
That’s great. And, if you really want to get your message out into the world, you need to do more.

You need to promote yourself as an author and thought leader.
What’s the best way to do that? Public speaking.

Aren’t you in luck!

My fabulous friend Colleen Schell, a storytelling and speaking master, is taking applications for her upcoming public speaking training.

Check out the program here…

At the end of it, you will take the stage at a large Austin theater with hundreds of storytelling enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, creatives, change makers, and influencers in the audience learning from you and your wisdom. 

Here is why speaking and books go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and chocolate:

  • Authoring a book gives you more AUTHORity, so you’re more likely to be invited to take the stage more often and…
  • As an author, you’ll get paid on average about 3x more to speak!
  • Then, while you’re speaking, you can promote your book and your business and…
  • You can sell your book after your talk (what’s called in the industry “back of room sales”) or
  • You also might ask the company that hires you to speak to buy a copy of your book for everyone in the audience!
  • Plus, you’ll be building your Book Tribe by speaking, because you’ll be able connecting with fans IRL, which makes a lasting impact
  • And media will be more impressed if you’re an author who attracts speaking gigs, which you can include in PR pitches

It’s a win-win-win situation. 

By the way, Colleen was my fairy godmother at TEDxBocaRaton. 

She showed up at a critical moment when I was losing confidence. She washed away the nerves, took me into the conference room to claim it as my domain, and gave me a beautiful guided meditation to listen to in the last moments before I stepped on stage. 

Then, she sat in about the 3rd row center and radiated her support, helping me stay grounded and focused during my talk.

I nailed it! And I give a lot of credit to Colleen. 

If this calls to you at all, I encourage you to apply and book a call with Colleen. Just having a call with her is so valuable. She is an incredibly empathetic, wise and inspirational human.  

Writing Tip of the Weak: Speak!

  1. Do you already have speaking experience? Begin by gathering a list and adding all prior speaking engagements to your PR pitch deck. Add numbers of views/ likes/ comments if your speeches are posted online.
  2. If you don’t have experience, don’t worry! Join Toastmasters or take a course like Colleen’s to get yourself ready. 
  3. Start small and build. Can you speak at a local Elks Club, Rotary Club, high school or middle school? Do you have ties to local government or small business associations? How about your high school or college alumni group? Will your company allow you to create a speaking event or to speak at an event they’re hosting?
  4. Be brave and bold! You are worthy of the limelight. You have a message to share that can positively impact other people. Believe! 



Quote of the Week

The people who choose to step out onto the FABx stage are powerful, expansive, courageous, and committed to something bigger than themselves.

Their stories entertain, inspire, and ignite a human connection like no other and position them as people to watch in their industry..

The experience taps into the beautiful authentic and vulnerable side of being human and trains you up to have those superpowers in your back pocket.

You walk away forever changed, knowing you always have the ability to speak powerfully with your authentic voice, using storytelling as the foundation.

~Colleen Schell, Founding CEO of FABx

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