The Next Chapter

Weekly Tips for Writing & Publishing Your Bestselling Book

Pen Fright

Jun 30, 2024

Last month, I was invited to speak at the ShareWell conference on mental health. My topic was Writing as a Way of Healing. 

A few hundred people showed up on Zoom. The organizer, Amy Vaninetti, opened by interviewing me for about 30 minutes. Then she led a Q&A.

One of the participants asked, “What is the number one obstacle to writing your story?”

“Imposter syndrome,” I replied. “Many people feel they don’t have any right to tell their story.”

“Pen fright!” Amy chimed in, making everyone laugh. “Like stage fright, get it?”

I love this term and hope it goes viral. Pen fright is genius! It’s also true.

So many of us undermine ourselves as we write. “Who cares about my story!” we say to ourselves. “I’m not a great writer. I can’t do this.”

These negative messages prevent us from moving forward. 

Writing Tip of the Week: Change Your Messaging

What if, instead of allowing Pen Fright to take over, you told yourself:

  • I can do this! 
  • I’ve been writing (or at a minimum talking!) my whole life. 
  • I have a unique story to share
  • My message will positively impact at least a few other people’s lives
  • I have a voice, and I’m going to use it!

It’s all about the reframe. Try it.

Have you ever changed your language? How did it impact your life? Hit Reply and tell me.



Quote of the Week

Form your goals around your identity. I am healthy. I am strong. I am an author.

~James Clear


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