The Next Chapter

Weekly Tips for Writing & Publishing Your Bestselling Book

Listen to Love

May 26, 2024

Are you part of the We Can Do Hard Things podsquad? I simply love this podcast. I believe what makes it so successful is the balance of characters who host it. Glennon Doyle, the bestselling author of Untamed (an excellent memoir, worth reading if you’re writing one), is introspective and spiritual. Abby Wambach, the soccer star, brings practicality and a can-do attitude. Amanda Doyle, Glennon’s attorney sister, analyzes everything from an intellectual perspective.

And even if you don’t know the podcast at all, or if you listen but don’t catch every episode, I invite you to listen to the 3-part series in which Elizabeth Gilbert, beloved author of Eat Pray Love, explains the power of writing a Letter to Love: Episodes 268, 269 and 281.

These three episodes are simply gorgeous. Filled with humor, laughter, wisdom, insight, humility and love, they offer, IMHO, all the spiritual wisdom you need to make it through life. 

But my favorite part, quite simply, is this: Liz Gilbert reminds us that in all the great mystical spiritual traditions, the gurus, saints, prophets and poets deliver the same message: The answers to our greatest questions, the solutions to our biggest struggles can be found within ourselves. 

And what is the most powerful way to access this inner wisdom?


TIP OF THE WEEK: Tap into Your Inner Voice

In these podcast episodes, Liz Gilbert expounds the benefits of writing a love letter to yourself. I do invite you to listen to all three and then try the exercise for yourself, but I’ll summarize the process here:

  1. Sit down with pen and paper.
  2. Begin your letter, “Dear Love, what would you have me know today?”
  3. Allow the words to flow. Don’t try to control them. Don’t worry about making them sound beautiful. Just write down what it is that love has to say to you.
  4. Re-read what you wrote and reflect upon it. Does the message surprise you? How does it feel in your body – do you feel more relaxed?
  5. If you enjoy this process, try doing it every day. 
  6. If you feel courageous, share your two-way love letter with close friends and trusted family members. 

Have you ever written a letter from love or God or your higher self or your inner voice - however you choose to name it? If so, how did it make you feel? Hit Reply and share with me.




Where are we to find light when the sun has been extinguished? From within.

 ~The Upanishads


Something else you might want to know about...

Our top-rated, proven course for writing and promoting Your Bestselling Book is open for applications! 

This 6-week program, combining on-demand video content with live weekly Workshops in community with other authors, will run from September 16-October 25, 2025

  • 6 hours of Masterclass Seminars drawing from my 25 years of publishing experience
  • 8 hours of interviews with publishing industry experts
  • Live weekly one-hour Workshops with MeiMei Fox and a cohort of 10 other high achieving authors to give you supportive feedback and hold you accountable 
  • Live weekly Open Office Hours with MeiMei to answer your questions and workshop your ideas
  • Bonus one-on-one with MeiMei, downloadable notes and more!

Find out more and Apply Now.

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