The Next Chapter

Weekly Tips for Writing & Publishing Your Bestselling Book

Dedicate Yourself

Jul 07, 2024

My friend Drue Kataoka, a talented visual artist, speaker and mother, suggested this Newsletter topic.

Write your Dedication.

You know the Dedication. It’s usually just a few words, maybe a sentence, on the mostly blank first page inside a book when you open its cover. It often looks something like this:

  • To my mom and dad
  • For my beloved husband
  • In recognition of all the children suffering in the world
  • With gratitude for my dog

In other words, who are you writing your book for and why are you writing it for them? What is your driving purpose in creating it?

This is a quick and easy way to get inspired!

Writing Tip of the Week: Pen Your Dedication

    1. Slow down. Have a cup of tea or meditate or go for a walk. 
    2. Think about who you’re writing your book for, and what the legacy is that you want to leave behind. 
    3. Sit down. Take out a pen or pencil and paper.
    4. Pen your dedication.

 I’d love for you to share your Dedication with me!



Quote of the Week

You have all the important things already.

~Author and Your Bestselling Book course participant Adria Shimada


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