The Next Chapter

Weekly Tips for Writing & Publishing Your Bestselling Book

Coming Together to Get It Done

Mar 22, 2024

How do you convince a room full of hundreds of ordinary people, many of whom have never even run a 5K, that they can scale Mt. Everest – and then get them to do it the very next day? 

Motivational speaker Jesse Itzler leads three-quarters of the participants in his 29029 Everesting Conferences to climb 29,029 feet in one day – by summiting a much smaller mountain than Everest and then taking the ski lift back down, 6 times in a row.

He says your success is all about how you show up for others: Cheering on those around you, motivating them to keep going.

"I guarantee that there will be a moment when you can say something to someone else that will get them to the top," Itzler says. "I guarantee that you can be a friend to one person, and you'll feel better about yourself."

The same holds true for writing and publishing a book...

Which is why you need a community to get it done.

Accountability Partners 

Research proves that having an accountability partner supporting you and holding you to your commitments is one of the most powerful ways to ensure success.

With an accountability partner, you're 65% more likely to achieve your goal.

That success rate rises to 95% if you check in regularly with your accountability partner on your progress.


  1. Find a partner who shares your values, believes in you, an dis excited about your book idea.
  2. Work with your partner to write down your goals, ensuring they're audacious yet attainable.
  3. Schedule regular meetings to check in on your progress, talk about what's working and what isn't, and solicit feedback on your writing.

By meeting with your accountability partner (or better yet, a small group), you will not only dramatically increase your own chance of success – you'll also have a lot more fun!

I hope you'll reach out today to find a partner or two, so that you can cheer each other on, help each other overcome obstacles, and deliver much-needed support in what otherwise can be a very lonely process.




"If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together."

–African Proverb


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