The Next Chapter

Weekly Tips for Writing & Publishing Your Bestselling Book

The Best Gift You Can Give

Mar 21, 2024

Social media platforms come and go faster than you can say "Twitter."

Computers crash. 

Even photographs fade.

You know what endures?




The best gift you can give your loved ones is your story.


It's true, many people want to author and publish a nonfiction book or memoir in order to build their brand, connect with their audience, get more speaking gigs and media appearances, and attract higher-end clients.


But there's another powerful reason to write your book:


Your legacy.


Your story is timeless, and writing it down is a beautiful way to make a lasting impact.


It's time to tell your story. Share your wisdom. Inspire others – your friends, employees, colleagues, total strangers, and...


Even your grandchildren.


WRITING TIP OF THE WEEK: Compose Your Eulogy


Give yourself at least 30 minutes of quiet alone time for this exercise.


Prepare your computer, pen and paper, or dictation app.


Now set a timer for 5 minutes. Close your eyes and breathe.


Once you have taken a few deep breaths and begun to settle into the stillness, I want you to envision yourself at your own funeral.


Friends and family have gathered to say their farewells.


One of your dearest beloveds stands at the front of the crowd to deliver the eulogy.


What is spoken?


What are those who know you best most proud of you for?


How will they remember you?


What is your legacy?


Allow yourself the freedom to write your eulogy now. Make no judgements about grammar or spelling – don't worry if it makes sense. Just let the sentiments flow freely from your mind and onto the screen or paper.


After you've written for at least 10 minutes, or whenever you feel complete, sit back, put the pen down, close your eyes, and breathe deeply once more.


Did anything you wrote surprise you?


Do you feel a need to change something in your life?


Is there some goal you have been holding off on tackling?


Now is the time.


If you've had it in your heart to write your story, now is the time to share it.


It is your gift to the world.


I hope you find this message empowering. 










"The greatest gift you have to give people is your story."


– Comedian and screenwriter Judd Apatow



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